Monday, March 15, 2010

Word Processing class had 18 students!

The Beginning Word Processing class looked like every seat was filled when I stuck my head in the door last week for a quick visit. P. J. Williams, a librarian at the Fort Smith Public Library, who teaches the class, had just started talking about the keyboard as I arrived. P.J. also coordinates the class schedule and the senior's use of the computer lab for classes. Be sure to thank her when you're next in the library. None of our classes would happen without the library's help with staff, facilities and other resources.

Star Locklear, the registrar, has already shared the evaluation results. We all like to read the comments about "Teacher and coaches would take time to answer questions." or "Great learning experience." We read every comment, particularly those with suggestions how classes could be improved. Each class is evaluated and we do try to use your feedback to improve all our classes.

One of the things all of the evaluations have pointed out over the years has been how the classes are like building blocks - each additional class builds on something you learned in a previous class or somewhere else. We want all our senior classes to contain practical, useful information so each student can return home and incorporate the new skills they've just learned into doing the things they want to do every day. You can be a writer if you don't write. You can't learn email without writing and sending messages. Like my piano teacher tried to explain: practice, practice, practice. Just make sure you have fun while you're practicing and learning.

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